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Alastair McDermid
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Earthworks Enquiry Form

M1 Smart Motorway

Project Overview

Service: Earthworks
Project: M1 Smart Motorway
Location: Northamptonshire
Client: Costain - Galliford Try JV
Value: £31,708,500,00

Mick George Earthworks completed Enabling Works for the M1 Smart Motorway Project 

A £373m project to upgrade the M1 in Northamptonshire to a smart motorway.

Under the programme, the 23-mile section of M1 between junctions 13 and 16 will be upgraded to an all-lane running smart motorway, providing a continuous smart motorway from the M25 all the way through to junction 19 at Catthorpe.

M1 Smart Motorway Key Statistics


  • Demolition of existing structures, including management and disposal of asbestos materials
  • Management and disposal of hazardous soils, including asbestos containing soils
  • 298,855t of Topsoil stripped and disposed of off site
  • Construction of approx 140 piling mats (planned) with an estimated volume of stone at 110,000 m3
  • 706,643t of Subsoil excavated and disposed off site
  • 115,000m2 of geotextiles installed to formations
  • 769,667t of aggregates imported, placed and trimmed to tolerance
  • Works programmed and delivered over 77 weeks – 163,020 man hours
  • Backfilling of retaining walls
  • Design interpretation and model production
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m1 motorway image

M1 Smart Motorway Project Details

The Highways England scheme is thought to be vital in easing congestion on this stretch of motorway, which passes through Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire.

Offering increased capacity, more reliable journey times for the hundreds-of-thousands of people that use the M1 every day, the project is anticipated to provide approximate benefits valued at £959m to the local economy.

The programme of works include; the installation of a rigid concrete barrier to avert vehicle cross-overs from opposite sides of the carriageway, upgrading to four lanes running with no hard shoulder, as well as the fitting of 38 new emergency areas and emergency roadside telephones.

Additional improvements include hardening of the central reserve and the formation of wide gantries to support variable speed limit and travel information.

See Our Bulk Earthworks in Action See Our Bulk Earthworks in Action
Alastair McDermid - Business Development Director
Earthworks Enquiry
Alastair McDermid - Business Development Director

Offering more than 25-years experience in the Construction Industry contributing to a wealth projects ranging from private estate upgrades, warehouses & distribution centres, right through to the Manchester City Training Facility, Athletes Warm-up Track at the 2012 Olympic Games, and the redevelopment of Silverstone Race Circuit, to name just a few.

Tel: 01480 499 165 Email: [email protected]
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